Pasteurized is a gamepad management library. Its super simple, but has support for super complex control system mapping.


  • Advanced gamepad buttons and axes that use Dairy utility classes to provide enhanced features.
  • Easy cloning and modification of gamepads, both global, and local ones.
  • The ability to create complex, multilayered gamepads, and shared inputs, that rely on combinations and sequences of inputs.
  • Used as the base of Mercurial’s gamepads.


Mercurial contains an installation of Pasteurized, but you may wish to install a custom version of it.

  1. Install Core

This only needs to be done once, if you already have this, no need to add it again.

Follow these instructions to install Core.

  1. Implementation

Add the newest version of Pasteurized found here to the dependencies block:

dependencies {
	// ...
	implementation "dev.frozenmilk.dairy:Pasteurized:<MAJ.MIN.ENG>"
	// ...

The repo will give you the line to add.

  1. Sync

Run a gradle sync.